Still no plans to spend Easter?

We will give reasons for choosing to enjoy these days in an unique place as Madrid.
From Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, many are those who choose Madrid to witness their processions, continue their course through the streets of the city, where in addition you can know a little more, its corners.
At Easter the city dresses with images, hundreds of brotherhoods with their colorful costumes and with them, accompanying their journey, the sound of drums.
Among the most popular and most faithful number of processions, we highlight for schedule on the agenda and not lose it, «Jesus del Gran Poder y María Santísima de la Esperanza» , and «Jesus Nazareno y la Virgen de la Soledad», both on Holy Thursday, the «Jesus Nazareno de Medinaceli», » María Santísima de los Siete Dolores y el Santo Entierro» at Good Friday and, finally, the «Virgen Dolorosa» and the Procession of Solitude on Holy Saturday.
You will find  all of them just a few minutes from the hotel and there you will enjoy the passion and devotion of these days .
We recommend you not miss any of them for the beauty of its images and the unique environment that pass through.
In addition, Madrid is decked with its cuisine, French toast and porridge, will make your palate enjoy these days of the most typical and tasty dishes.
In our hotel, our entire team will be ready to inform you  in order to ensure that you enjoy an unique easter in Madrid.

Seguir leyendo Still no plans to spend Easter?

La Semana Santa en Madrid una experiencia única

¿Aún sin planes para pasar Semana Santa? Os vamos a dar razones para que elijáis disfrutar de estos días en Madrid. Desde el  Domingo de Ramos al Domingo de Resurrección, muchos sois los que elegís Madrid para presenciar sus procesiones que recorren las calles de la ciudad y aprovecháis para conocer, un  poco más, sus rincones. Seguir leyendo La Semana Santa en Madrid una experiencia única